Friday, September 20, 2013

Chapter 3

For chapter 3 we were required to do exercises 3.1-3.6 and choose our 6 best images... So here goes:
Exercise 3.1: In the image above we were asked to draw cubes and here are a few of my examples. I did not use a ruler to draw them but the bottom image labeled 1. I believe is the best one so far. It is drawn while using a horizon line instead of complete free hand and feels confident.

Exercise 3.2: The images above are just a few that I attempted to draw of stacked cardboard boxes. The 1st image shows that I didn't quite understand the concept and as I continued to draw it slowly became easier as you can see in the 2nd and 3rd pictures.

Exercise 3.3: This example required us to draw two cylindrical bottles with one standing and one laying on its side. The image labeled 3. is my favorite one by far. My lines are even and compared to the other images the bottle looks symmetrical.

Exercise 3.4: Asked us to take our cubes and transform them into other prismatic forms and I decided to create a pyramid. #2 is more of a cube shape which makes the pyramid more symmetrical and precise.

Exercise 3.5: This exercise required us to take each cube and transform them into a cone or cylinder. Since I had previously done a pyramid I decided to continue an do a cone shape. #3 is bold and more symmetrical and looks well thought out.

Exercise 3.6: This exercise asked us too now include a shape of any kind in the cube. The one thing that was on my mind at this point was a set of drums and as I continued drawing a set of drums that my dance teachers husband would play stuck in my mind. So I ended up with one that resembled those used for West African dances.

Monday, September 2, 2013


Design Drawing by Francis D.K. Ching and Steven P. Juroszek

1.) " Only a very small area of the retina is capable of distinguishing fine detail. Our eyes must therefore continually scan an object and its environment to see it in its entirety. When we look at something, what we see is actually constructed from a rapid succession of interconnected retinal images." pg. 4
               Everyday we see a countless number of images and our eyes are working constantly to provide clear and detailed images. it's crazy to think that even if we see something for a split second we are not able to see detail because it takes multiple retinal images to be able to create a bigger picture.

2.) " Through familiarity, we tend to pass over things we confront and use everyday without really seeing them." pg. 6

                Imagine if we saw every object and every line, curve, even the difference in shade and little detail. this would take us all day to get through one entire room or we would be able to move through life at a faster pace.

3.) " The process of contour drawing suppresses the symbolic abstraction we normally are use to represent things. Instead, it compels us to pay close attention, look carefully and to experience a subject with both our visual and tactile sense." pg. 18

                 After having experienced contour drawing for the first time in my life I now realize how many aspects you have to look at. When drawing any object you are forced to recognize its outer edges, shadows, the spacing around the object and much more. This causes one to decided on how much detail and effort will go into a drawing.