Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Blog #5: Iarc 102 Final show and review

Here are a few pictures from the day of our final exam/show.

I have had a blast this semester, yes it has been extremely stressful and time consuming but it was all worth it. I can't wait until we start back! 

Blog #4 Iarc 102 Body mask

Body mask: 

My own creation story: 
        The Beautiful Dark Fairy 
Once upon a time, in a land full of gorgeous white fairies there was a forbidden well. The legend said that at the very bottom of the well, the water was known to give everlasting life. But any fairy who attempted to fly into the well and drink the powerful water had never returned. One day a brave fairy named Lily took it upon herself to prove the legen wrong. After much consideration she left early one morning without givin anyone any notice. As she flew down the well, numerous voices told her to keep going. As she neared the water, a regretful feeling began to take over but she felt as though she had come too far to turn back now. As soon as her lips touched the powerful waters a spirit began to overtake her. Not even after a full sip Lily had transformed into a beautiful dark fairy. But she knew once the transformation took place that she could not return back home, for the darks colors were considered I appealing and repulsive. So from that moment and until forever more, Lily was required to live alone hidden in the forest without anyone knowing.

Ideation sketches of creation story for body mask:

Blog #2: This Little House Iarc 112

This Little House was assigned to us in the beginning verbally. We were told the details and had to copy them down right then to be able to reference them later. 

Here is an example of one the very first attempts at poche on trace paper. 

My finished existing and proposed plans on 11" x 17"

Dimensions of existing an proposed plans:

Dimensions for the existing plan:

Dimensions for the proposed plan: 

Next, we were told the furniture plan and asked to render for the first time. 

Draft of Rendered proposed plan: 

Final rendered proposed plan:

3 One point perspective drawings: 

1. Existing plan: (no furniture) 

2. Proposed plan

3. Proposed plan

5 section drawings






I absolutely loved this assignment, because we have finally started to get into floorplans and rendering. I have so much more to learn and work on such as rendering techniques, but hopefully as time goes on and with practice I will get much better! 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Blog #1 Iarc 112

Name tag: 
This semester I decided for my name tage I would use by brand new wood burning tool! Here is a picture of the process
Finished product:

Speed dating portrait drawings:

Lettering practice: 

A portion of my first attempt...

My second try a month later! 

11" x 17" precedent drawings of Prague 
Here was my inspiration: 

Lastly, my groups large scale map of Greensboro. This includes some of Greensboro's public artwork 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Monticello and Fallingwater field trip! Plus unity temple Blog #4 Iarc 112

Here is a sneak peak of the trip my class took to Monticello and Fallingwater this past weekend. First we had to trace the floor plans to get a good idea of the space. 



Sketches of Fallingwater:

Monticello sketches

More to come!

Also, the unity temple assignment:

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

IARC:102 Symposium Symbiotics

For our class participation in the Symposium Symbiotics, we were required to design the pathway findings and had to include platonic forms in the process. So my group that consisted of me and 4 others had an idea of first to create a pyramid to hang in the lobby. I did the first 3d model, but it was destroyed before I was able to get a picture (made up of wood representing the four columns and floor, a paper pyramid and wire holding the pyramid up). After realizing we did not have enough time to exsecute our plan we then split into two seperate groups. My group took on the main windows in the building that led to the lobby. I wanted to take the idea of 2d platonic forms and on the windows have them going from small to big. Here was the result: 
This process took much longer than expected but I am very happy with how they turned out. 


Part 2: We also had the idea of "writing" IARc on the four windows above the door as you walk in. Again using 2d platonic forms:

So here was the end result of our portion:

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

IARC 112: This Big House

This Big House. The original image will be added on with the 4 section views very shortly! But the image below is represented by 1/4th scale.

Original section view A:

Original section view B:

Redo of section view A: 
   *Poche front steps

Redo of section view B:
     *both interior walls are solid*

Section view C:
Cut through study/guest room and the view is East

Section view D: 
Cut through the study, bathroom and kitchen and the view is facing north