Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Blog #2: This Little House Iarc 112

This Little House was assigned to us in the beginning verbally. We were told the details and had to copy them down right then to be able to reference them later. 

Here is an example of one the very first attempts at poche on trace paper. 

My finished existing and proposed plans on 11" x 17"

Dimensions of existing an proposed plans:

Dimensions for the existing plan:

Dimensions for the proposed plan: 

Next, we were told the furniture plan and asked to render for the first time. 

Draft of Rendered proposed plan: 

Final rendered proposed plan:

3 One point perspective drawings: 

1. Existing plan: (no furniture) 

2. Proposed plan

3. Proposed plan

5 section drawings






I absolutely loved this assignment, because we have finally started to get into floorplans and rendering. I have so much more to learn and work on such as rendering techniques, but hopefully as time goes on and with practice I will get much better! 

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