Tuesday, April 8, 2014

IARC:102 Symposium Symbiotics

For our class participation in the Symposium Symbiotics, we were required to design the pathway findings and had to include platonic forms in the process. So my group that consisted of me and 4 others had an idea of first to create a pyramid to hang in the lobby. I did the first 3d model, but it was destroyed before I was able to get a picture (made up of wood representing the four columns and floor, a paper pyramid and wire holding the pyramid up). After realizing we did not have enough time to exsecute our plan we then split into two seperate groups. My group took on the main windows in the building that led to the lobby. I wanted to take the idea of 2d platonic forms and on the windows have them going from small to big. Here was the result: 
This process took much longer than expected but I am very happy with how they turned out. 


Part 2: We also had the idea of "writing" IARc on the four windows above the door as you walk in. Again using 2d platonic forms:

So here was the end result of our portion:

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